Material Reuse Competition

Confirmed projects have been announced. JCCBI contacted all with the people, companies and organizations that have submitted a Submission Form.

The entire JCCBI team thanks you for your participation.

The selection process for the proposed projects submitted to the Material Reuse Competition is now complete. As planned, the submissions were analyzed by a committee of experts from the fields of the circular economy, architecture, visual art, urban planning, and industrial design as well as by representatives from JCCBI.

The Submission Guide includes details about the competition such as background information and instructions for anyone wishing to submit a project.

IMPORTANT: Please refer to the notice of change in the Submission Guide, as some information has been updated since the first edition.

Component Catalogue

The Component Catalogue includes technical specifications for the components that will be made available for the competition.

To select the materials for the competition, JCCBI considered feedback received during public consultations, the condition of the components, and their accessibility in light of the planned deconstruction methods.

IMPORTANT: Please refer to the notice of change in the Component Catalogue, as some photos and technical drawings have changed since the first edition.

Any questions?

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