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The Corporation posts the specific sections of its public call for tender documents on MERX. Learn more about our call for tender process.
The Corporation posts the specific sections of its public call for tender documents on Merx, a specialized electronic tendering service, under the Crown and private corporations tab. All documents included in the standard sections are only available from this site.
Contractors and suppliers must register with MERX to obtain the Corporation’s specific sections of its public call for tender documents. Once registered, contractors and suppliers can receive email notices about new public calls for tenders.
Tender documents - Standard sections, new version (2023-07-10 Version)
Please note that The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated has updated the standard sections of its call for tender documents, effective as of October 18, 2023. The standard sections that have been updated are sections 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9. During a transition period, some construction contracts will continue to be subject to the previous versions of these standard sections of the call for tender documents, referred to as the “Version 20181214”, while other construction contracts will be subject to the new version of the standard sections of the call for tender documents, referred to as the “2023-07-10 Version”.
Tenderers must refer to the Notice to Contractors (Section 0) to find out which version of the standard sections of the call for tender documents is applicable to the construction contract.
To register on the Corporation’s list of potential consultants or suppliers for future calls for tender by invitation, please fill out our request form on the Contact us page. Please specify in your form the legal name of your company, your various fields of expertise, as well as your full contact details.
Note that the invited tenderers for each call for tender remain at the Corporation’s sole discretion.
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