Confirmed projects

Here are the 11 projects confirmed by a committee composed of seven experts working in the fields of the circular economy, architecture, visual art, urban planning and industrial design as well as representatives of JCCBI as part of the original Champlain Bridge Material Reuse Competition.

Congratulations to all the winners.


Jacques Gallant

Métallerie Gallant Metalworks inc.

Project types:  Arts | Commemorative | Community | Construction and/or rehabilitation of public infrastructure | Ecology


“A BICYCLE” is a unique handcrafted project that has a recreational, artistic, commemorative and community purpose. 

The artist will transform a 3-kg steel component from the original Champlain Bridge into a functional bicycle and a rack for six bicycles that will be used for a community cause.

Called “Sam”, the bicycle will serve as both a transportation method and a work of art at different events. With frame parts made from cut steel that has been heated and hammered, the bicycle’s unique shapes will make it easy to spot its origins.



Zoé Lavigne and Benoit Michaud

Paramètre Designlab inc.

Project types: Architecture | Arts | Commemorative


“CIRCA” is an art work in a glass display that represents the life cycles of the bridge, from its design, construction and service life to its deconstruction and return to the community to help people reflect on sustainable development.

The artifact will be installed in the lobby of the downtown Montreal offices of bridge engineering firm Structura to support the company’s vision and encourage people to reflect on and discuss infrastructure sustainability.



William Atkinson

Devimco Immobilier

Project types: Architectural | Arts | Commemorative

“CONNECTÉ D’UN PONT À L’AUTRE” is an art installation that celebrates the integration of public art into the urban space while commemorating the original Champlain Bridge as a major unifying corridor that helped Brossard grow and develop. The steel components will be made into one or more outdoor art pieces at the Solar Uniquartier project in Brossard.



Christian Grenier

Ferme du Grenier Gardangeois inc.

Project types: Architectural | Commemorative | Ecology

This project will involve building a prototype for a mixed greenhouse / animal production site on a family farm in Ange-Gardien in Montérégie.

This new concept for an agricultural building will make the animals’ living environment more natural by recovering their waste heat and gases to promote plant growth. Another goal of this technology showcase is to inspire other agricultural producers to create similar projects.


James Kennedy

roject types: Arts | Commemorative | Community | Ecology

Visual artist James Kennedy will create a public multimedia sculpture called “MÉMOIRE” with integrated audio documents to bring alive the individual and collective memory of the original Champlain Bridge.

Composed of 15 vertical steel panels made from the Champlain Bridge’s chords, the sculpture will be arranged in a staggered pattern, and its perforations will create an illustration of the original Champlain Bridge.

Each panel will have a QR code that visitors can scan to listen to an audio extract from 15 stories that the artist will collect from people who had a special relationship with the Champlain Bridge.



Danny Du Mays

Centre de services scolaire Marie-Victorin

Project types: Architectural | Arts | Commemorative | Community | Ecology | Education

The Centre de services scolaire Marie-Victorin (CSSMV) will be using components from the bridge for multiple furniture projects at schools in Brossard.  The CSSMV is very interested in using components from the original Champlain Bridge to preserve the heritage of this structure that helped develop its territory. Students in the Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)  in welding-assembly will transform certain components to make furniture.

A plaque with a QR code will trace each component’s link to the old bridge and provide historical information about this structure.



Daniel Duranleau and Vincent Daoust

Table de concertation de Ville-Émard Côte Saint-Paul

Project types: Arts 

The Table de concertation de Ville-Émard / Côte Saint-Paul is partnering with neighbourhood artist Vincent Daoust to create an art piece that will beautify and enhance this sector, which has had to put up with many nuisances from major projects, such as the construction of Hwy. 15 and work on the Turcot Interchange.

This artistic touch will repair the wounds of the past by adding beauty to the area and enhancing the sector.


Paul Clas and multiple students

Polyal – Polytechnique Montréal

Project types: Architectural | Arts | Community | Ecology

“STRUCTURE POLY TRIA IA” is an innovative and creative school project that will be carried out by computer, software, industrial and civil engineering students at Polytechnique Montréal.

This artistic structure made of components from the original Champlain Bridge will house the hardware for POLY TRI IA, a computer system that detects and sorts waste using artificial intelligence.  This eco-responsible structure will make the student community aware of the importance of the 4RE (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover before eliminating).



Cory Ovans

Dunn Memorial Scout Camp

Types de projet : Architectural | Commemorative | Community

Project types: Arts 

A few pieces of steel from the original Champlain Bridge will make it possible to build a steel footbridge to connect different camps at the Dunn Memorial Scout Camp located in Elgin, Montérégie.

The footbridge will be built by volunteers from the region and the “SUNSHINE BRIDGE” project will be dedicated to Cecile Antink, a volunteer who has worked with scouts for several years.


Steve Christensen

Novo Watch

Project types: Arts | Commemorative

Watchmaker and entrepreneur Steve Christensen will use the steel from the original Champlain Bridge to make unique watches.  “THE CHAMPLAIN BRIDGE WATCH” is a project that aligns perfectly with his company’s mission to reuse materials in all of its products.

This watch will be marketed across the country to let all Canadians own a small piece of the Champlain Bridge.


Samuel PelletierCharles Boivin and Jean-François Marceau


Project types: Architectural | Arts | Ecology

This residential greenhouse project will become a seamless part of its natural environment to maximize energy efficiency. The project will draw from new concepts to grow organic vegetables in the neighbourhood and reduce residents’ environmental impact.

Girders from the original Champlain Bridge will be used to create an overhead structure from which different types of fruits and vegetables can be harvested.

Surplus food from the residential greenhouse will be donated to local organizations.

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