Research project 4

Assessment of Corrosion and Evaluation of the Degree and Distribution of Corrosion on Response of Girders

This research project will provide information on the performance of the girders and some of the repair techniques used on the Champlain Bridge. The project is aimed to study the initiation of the corrosion in the cables and the sensitivity of the girders performance to the degree of corrosion.

This study will also provide valuable information on the severity of horizontal cracking in the girders webs and the determination of the condition of the prestressing cables. In addition, tests will be carried out on the secure girder which led to the installation of the “super beam” in 2013.

More information about the project


  • Determine the corrosion mechanisms of precast girder cables
  • Assess the remaining strength of the post-tensioned precast prestressed girders
  • Investigate horizontal cracking in the girders webs
  • Assess the influence of the degree of cables corrosion on the girders performance through finite element analysis
  • Assess the performance of external post-tensioning and FRP strengthening


  • 2 years (the project started on February 10, 2020)


  • Location: approach span (reinforced concrete structure)
  • Element type: post-tensioned prefabricated prestressed girders of sections 5 and 7
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