Presentation at Université Laval | Working for and with federal Crown corporation JCCBI | PJCCI
Presentation at Université Laval | Working for and with federal Crown corporation JCCBI
February 17, 2021 The Corporation
Presentation at Université Laval | Working for and with federal Crown corporation JCCBI

This Wednesday, February 17, Christian Desmars, Director, Procurement; Mathieu Jolicoeur, Director, OHS; and André Morin, Senior Director, Operations, gave a talk at the 20th study day on contract claims organized by the continuing education program at Université Laval.

Their presentation on “Working for and with federal Crown corporation JCCBI” was an opportunity to share our best procurement practices. Their talk covered aspects such as preparations to launch our calls for proposals and tenders, the management of maintenance and construction contracts, and performance evaluations of our consultants and contractors.

The talk was also an opportunity to address issues relating to mobility, worksite safety, the environment, sustainable development, and more.

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