Sustainable planning

JCCBI develops its infrastructure projects using a sustainable development approach in line with its mission to extend the service life of the assets that it manages.

To achieve this goal, JCCBI proactively integrates sustainable development concepts into its projects and strives to implement innovative practices.

Main goals
  • Integrate sustainable development concepts during the project planning and design phases.
  • Improve asset longevity through research and development projects.
Recent initiatives
  • Launch of sustainable development programs for the deconstruction of the original Champlain Bridge, such as material reuse and traceability as well as the Héritage Champlain program. The Corporation is also aiming for Envision recognition and carbon neutrality.
  • Employee training on internal decision-support tools: multi-criteria analysis and determination of the economic value of each project’s social and environmental aspects.
  • Continued innovation activities through research and development programs.
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