Multipurpose path on the Jacques Cartier Bridge: Simulation of winter operations | PJCCI
Multipurpose path on the Jacques Cartier Bridge: Simulation of winter operations
November 7, 2019

For immediate release


Longueuil, November 7, 2019 – The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) will carry out simulated winter operations on the Jacques Cartier Bridge multipurpose path during winter 2019-2020. JCCBI aims at refining maintenance, monitoring and communications protocols in actual conditions to assess the level of service that can be provided on the path during the winter.


Winter operations will be simulated in a closed system after the path is closed at the end of the fall. JCCBI is looking to determine the most effective snow removal techniques and deicing products while collecting comments and experiences from cyclists who will take the path. JCCBI will therefore assess all aspects of the path’s winter operation, such as service level and operating costs.


“JCCBI has been working for several years to find solutions to minimize these risks and safely operate the multipurpose path during the winter. Despite the many challenges of this structure, we are not giving up and will continue our efforts while getting feedback from cyclists as we develop our protocols. We are also relying on Vélo Québec for its expertise and on the RTL to run a shuttle, called VéloBus Jacques-Cartier, for cyclists who will not be able to cross the bridge this winter. We are keeping the mayors of Montreal, Longueuil and St. Lambert, the cities closest to the Jacques Cartier Bridge, updated about the progress of our different initiatives,” explained Sandra Martel, Chief Executive Officer of JCCBI.


The cyclists who participate in the project will do so on a pro-bono and voluntary basis. They will have to sign an agreement with JCCBI and commit to attending an information session and to meeting the conditions for using the path. The participating cyclists must cross the bridge several times a week to participate in the simulation project, as the path conditions permit. Cyclists who are interested in participating can contact JCCBI, before November 22, 2019.


For real-time information about JCCBI’s work, follow the Twitter accounts for each of our structures: @pontChampBridge, @pontJCBridge and @pontHMBridge. To plan their travel, users can consult the Live Traffic section of our website, which includes live traffic conditions, camera feeds, in-progress road closures or obstructions, and the seven-day work schedule. Users can also get email alerts about major closures or emergency work.



Established in 1978, The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) is a federal Crown corporation responsible for managing major infrastructure works, including the Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges, the Champlain Bridge Estacade, the federal sections of the Bonaventure Expressway and Honoré Mercier Bridge, as well as the Melocheville Tunnel. The Corporation manages, maintains, and repairs these important Greater Montreal structures to ensure the safe passage of thousands of users every day. It also ensures that these critical structures remain safe, fully functional and aesthetically pleasing both today and in the future.


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For more information

Nathalie Lessard, Director, Communications

Office: 450-651-8771, extension 2232


Claudia Carbonneau, Communications Advisor

Office: 450-651-8771, extension 2533

Cell: 514-236-4093

Multipurpose path on the Jacques Cartier Bridge: Simulation of winter operations
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