Material Reuse Competition: Selection process now over
February 9, 2023 Champlain deconstruction Sustainable development

The selection process for the proposed projects submitted to the Material Reuse Competition is now complete.

As planned, the submissions were analyzed by a committee of experts from the fields of the circular economy, architecture, visual art, urban planning, and industrial design as well as by representatives from JCCBI.

The selected projects will be announced in 2023, and JCCBI will contact all individuals, companies and organizations that sent in a submission.

As part of a sustainable development and circular economy approach, the pan-Canadian Material Reuse Competition aims to give a second life to over 400 steel components from the original Champlain Bridge to repurpose these materials and create benefits for the community.

To learn more about the different initiatives to reduce the environmental footprint of the deconstruction project of the original Champlain Bridge, visit our Material Reuse page.

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