JCCBI files its sustainable development strategy
November 2, 2023 Work / traffic hindrances Sustainable development The Corporation History
JCCBI files its sustainable development strategy

Today, JCCBI filed its 2023-2027 sustainable development strategy and is committed to meeting six of the federal government’s sustainable development goals.

In 2020, JCCBI was added to the schedule of the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA) by Order in Council. The Corporation is now required to release a Sustainable Development Strategy that outlines the measures it will take to advance sustainable development in the coming years.

Discover JCCBI’s key initiatives to meet 6 of the UN’s 17 goals.

As one of the 99 strategies filed by federal departments, JCCBI’s strategy will contribute to the government-wide Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, which is also an important part of the federal government’s contribution to the UN’s 2030 Agenda.

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