Active mobility on the Jacques Cartier Bridge | New devices and signage
January 17, 2023 Jacques Cartier Bridge Active mobility
Active mobility on the Jacques Cartier Bridge | New devices and signage

To improve the experience and safety of active mobility users, JCCBI has put up devices at strategic locations on the Jacques Cartier Bridge that include standard traffic signs, radar speed signs, variable messaging signs, anti-glare fencing, and automated barriers.


Standard signage

JCCBI has installed standard signage on the bridge specifically for active mobility users.


At strategic locations on both the multipurpose path and the sidewalk, these new signs include a diagram to let users easily visualize the location of the lookouts, stairs, rest areas and chicanes on the bridge. The signs also confirm how the Highway Safety Code applies to these corridors.

Photo: active mobility signage

Tab signs indicating “Winter Conditions” have also been put up under each of these signs to let users know about the elements they may have to watch out for to stay safe during the winter season.


Radar speed signs

The Jacques Cartier Bridge multipurpose path is located on an urban bridge, has atypical geometry, and is exposed to particular weather conditions. For your own and others’ safety, it is important to follow the speed limit of 20 km/h on the path.


Radar speed signs have been installed at various points along the path.

Photo: radar speed signs on the Jacques Cartier Bridge multipurpose path


Variable messaging signs

You will also notice variable messaging signs (VMS) informing you of path conditions at all times (e.g. Yellow condition – Icy areas) so that you can adapt to the path conditions.

Photo: variable messaging signs on the Jacques Cartier Bridge multipurpose path


Anti-glare fencing

Following comments received from users, JCCBI has installed fencing on the Jacques Cartier Bridge to reduce the glare from vehicle headlights. After conducting a study, JCCBI targeted four locations on the multipurpose path:

  • Section 2 - South Shore side: a 35-m area and a 20-m area
  • Section 4 - between the St. Lawrence Seaway and Île Sainte-Hélène Pavilion: a 35-m area
  • Section 8 - Montreal side: an 80-m area
Photo: Anti-glare fencing on the Jacques Cartier Bridge multipurpose path


Automated barriers

Automated barriers that open and close remotely have been installed at strategic locations on the multipurpose path and sidewalk to facilitate our operations in the field.  

Photo: Automated barriers installation

For more information, visit our Active Mobility/Signage web page.


Thank you and please stay safe on our active mobility network!



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