The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI)’s Netiquette sets guidelines for discussion on platforms and websites for which JCCBI is responsible and via digital platforms on which JCCBI has a public presence (hereinafter referred to as the “Digital Space”) so that conversations can take place in a friendly environment that is acceptable to everyone. JCCBI’s Digital Space is available to everyone regardless of their age, race, religion, sex, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

The primary goal of JCCBI’s Digital Space is to explain and present JCCBI’s activities, projects and work to the general public using the following main platforms:

Website :
Social media:

JCCBI is on social media to engage in multi-directional communication with members of the public in the various online spaces that they use.

The JCCBI communications team creates all Digital Space content, which it mainly posts on business days, i.e. Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Throughout its Digital Space, including requests submitted by Internet users via the “Contact Us” form available on its website, JCCBI encourages transparent, respectful and genuine conversation.

Below are the content rules that you must follow:

  • Your content must directly relate to JCCBI’s operations. Comments that are unrelated or out of context may be hidden or deleted. The same applies to insistent messages.
  • You must be polite and respectful as if you were talking to someone face to face.
  • You must be the author and owner of your content. Any infringement of intellectual property laws is prohibited (including recopying excerpts from other websites without requesting authorization or citing the sources).
  • As per our rules of use, we reserve the right to reject:
    • any content that fails to comply with the principles set forth in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
    • any defamatory, obscene, racist or hate speech
    • any content intended to harass a third party or compromise this person’s privacy
    • any content encouraging a crime, suicide, discrimination or violence
    • any content that may harm minors or is an affront to human dignity
    • any content belonging to a third party, including registered trademarks and copyrighted data
    • any content not contributing to the normal flow of conversation
  • Respect the privacy of others by not including any personal information or private conversations in your content.
  • Show restraint in your comments when it comes to the deaths or injuries of individuals, especially in the case of children.
  • No commercial promotion will be accepted.

JCCBI reserves the right to partially or entirely cut, censor or delete any comment deemed inappropriate and that does not comply with the Netiquette rules. JCCBI is under no obligation to remove your content, even if you ask it to do so. We therefore recommend that you think carefully about the nature of your content and the consequences of posting it.

Any comments, opinions or content expressed in this Digital Space are strictly those of their respective authors. If JCCBI posts a link on its Digital Space leading to the website, blog, social media account or online article of an individual or organization, this does not mean that JCCBI agrees with or supports the views or activities of this individual or organization. The views expressed on its pages do not necessarily reflect JCCBI’s opinions.

JCCBI also reserves the right to end a discussion if deemed necessary. If a web user fails to comply with this Netiquette, JCCBI reserves the right to block the user’s access to its Digital Space.

The Digital Space of JCCBI is not anonymous. JCCBI reserves the right to not post a comment if there is any doubt as to the author’s identity. Identity theft with the intent to mislead or cause harm constitutes a serious offence.

JCCBI reserves the right to modify these Netiquette rules at any time without prior notice.

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