
Spontaneous offer for products or services

If you would like to register on the list of potential suppliers or consultants for the Company’s next invitational calls for tenders, please fill out our request form on the Contact us page. Please specify in your form the legal name of your company, your various fields of expertise, as well as your full contact details.

Please note that the choice of invited bidders, during invitational calls for tenders, remains at the sole discretion of the Company.

You can also consult our website for this purpose.

How can I claim an incident or an accident?

If you have a complaint about damage to your vehicle due to work or the poor conditions of pavement or a structure under the Corporation’s responsibility.

Below is the procedure to follow to complete your request:

  • Send your claim by filling out our request form on the Contact us page or by mail.
  • In your claim, provide us with as much information as possible: name of the structure, date, time, exact location of the incident, nature of the damage, as well as any other relevant information.
  • Include a photo of the damage, if available.
  • Include an estimate of the damages or a copy of invoices for work, if available. 
  • Include a copy of the police report, if available.
  • Include your complete contact information.

Your claim will be processed by the Legal Affairs department who will send you an acknowledgement of receipt as soon as possible.

How can I apply for a position at JCCBI?

You can consult all our job offers on the Careers section of our website.

If you do not see a position that is a good fit for your expertise, you can send us a spontaneous application through our Contact us form by selecting the Job / Internship seeker option under Citizen type, and then Spontaneous application (job / internship) under Type of request. Please upload your resume and a cover letter with your submission.

How can I apply for an internship at JCCBI?

You can consult all of our internship offers on the Careers section of our website.

If you do not see an internship that is a good fit for your expertise, you can send us a spontaneous application through our Contact us form by selecting the Job / Internship seeker  option under Citizen type, and then Spontaneous application (job / internship) under Type of request. Please upload your resume with your submission.

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