Notice to residents | Jacques Cartier Bridge - Montreal: Follow-up on Good Neighbourly Relations Committee of June 15, 2022
June 22, 2022 Jacques Cartier Bridge

On June 15, the Good Neighbourly Relations Committee met with citizens living along the Jacques Cartier Bridge in Montreal. During this online meeting, JCCBI representatives Nathalie Lessard, Director of Communications, and Manon Leroux, Project Director, presented the work completed, in progress and planned regarding this infrastructure, in addition to answering participants’ questions. 

You can now take a look at the PowerPoint presentation as well as the video recording of this meeting via our website.

The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) team

Notice to residents | Jacques Cartier Bridge - Montreal: Follow-up on Good Neighbourly Relations Committee of June 15, 2022
Notice to residents | Jacques Cartier Bridge - Montreal: Follow-up on Good Neighbourly Relations Committee of June 15, 2022
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